Monday, April 19, 2010

What Lies Inside

To whoever is reading this blog,

I hope that it brings to you as much help and love as it has brought to me in just the writing of it. However, I have no way of knowing if anyone but myself will ever read this blog. It is highly doubtful with all the mess of blogs that are out there in the world today that anyone could read these words, but I will pretend for now. For many who, like me, have crossed paths with people's personal thoughts via blogs... Its easy to spot that many of them were complaints of peoples day to day lives... yeah we have all done it. Someone asks how your day has been, you groan, you sigh, remark about how tired you are or how you wish it were friday... and now it has translated to the internet, blogs about how people piss you off, or how everything just plain sucks.

This, will not be one of those blogs.

There once was a story of a lady named Pandora. She opened a box that contained all that was bad in the world... but one thing remained in the box, that was hope.

In a world filled with fear, doubt, pain and suffering, this blog will be a little beacon of hope.

I hope.

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